Thursday, May 28, 2015

Next Generation

Thirty-Something in 2015

We are so different.
you want a shiny new penny
and we like the old Indian head penny 
have you ever seen one?
did you ever look at the coins
and marvel at the old dates?

We created the technology
to which you feel entitled
to which makes your world spin 
yet you scoff at the mainframe
and laugh at the giants' shoulders 
on which you unwittingly stand

Our fathers fought for our freedom
and we were aware
and we were thankful
and all that our fathers gave us
we were thankful
as we had eyes to see 
the needs unfilled of so many
and we were thankful for all we were given

But you - you want the shiny new kitchen
and the Jacuzzi bathtub
and the chrome facets
and the granite counters
and shiny new floors.

So much beauty in the old
that you are missing
in your plastic
Disney cartoon world.

(c) Glenda Kotchish
May 28, 2015 

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Encounter - A Short Short Story

The Encounter

She spoke quietly and slowly, looking directly at him.

“It’s not you.”

“It’s not yours.  It doesn't pertain to you – at all”.

Whatever it is that I’m feeling is me, mine, belonging exclusively to me.”

She took a breath and continued.   “This is how the world communicates.   The words may be directed toward you and seem to be for you – about you – and even the pronoun “you” and sometimes your name will be called out amidst it all.  But, understand, it is not about you”.

Another breath - “It is hard to understand that which is being said.” 

This is how she began the conversation with him. 

He opened his mouth to speak but she moved close to him and raised her index finger. She placed it to his lips – almost touching.  “Shh – don’t speak” she whispered.

He was startled.  He did not know her and so he took one step back in the tiny elevator.

She held his eyes with hers and placed that same index finger on her lips.

“Shh, not a word, please”.

The elevator doors opened and she turned around and stepped out.   She walked away without even a glance back.

© Glenda Kotchish

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Anna on Mother's Day

Anna on Mother's Day
Anna blew in town
she's kind of moody
one minute all sunshiny
the next - all dark and stormy eyed
tear drops flowing
then everything's fine 
"it was nothing really"
it's  all blown over
and now  ... she's blustering about
She moans
that she stuck in a rut
...our unfortunate rut it seems
She insists
it's because 
"I'm tropical".

(c) Glenda Kotchish
April 9, 2015
Ocean Isle Beach, NC