Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Trying to Understand

Young man, baggy shorts, shirt, hat
Hair long dread locks
We sign in our
cars for service.

we sit across from each other
in the lobby
scanning our smart phones
glance at TV

I'm curious about him
try to converse
I get silence
so why bother


it was time for me
to get a dog companion
love for me for care I give
yes quid por quo finally


New Poems - Tanka Style

Last night we ladies explored the Japanese style "Tanka" of poem.   Longer than a Haiku.   No punctuation.  Lyrical!
the wheel is silent
I place the moist clay on the bat
I wet my hands
I cup the clay
the 3 of us go round and round.
the vessel sits on it's tile
all night long drying shrinking
it is bone dry now
can-will it withstand the fire

Monday, July 22, 2013

Beginning the Day with Bill

Beginning the Day with Bill
Morning, start working.
She spies photo on her desk.
His smile makes her smile.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The President's Perspective

I was glad to hear the President's message on the George Zimmerman trial results with respect to the perspective of being a person of color.

A White Woman's Walk
On the street alone
Clutching her keys, she hurries.
A black man walks by.

A Black Man's Walk
On the street ahead, 
A white woman hurries.
Please stop judging me.

Two Women Walking
On the street at night,
The two women pass each other.
Black, White, greetings - smiles.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Rebekah Jean No More

Rebekah Jean No More

Trying to find herself
And wanting a brand new name
How Pocahontas!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Haiku - City Living

So you'll know, I feel an obligation to share what I see while living in the city.  Not everything is flowery, nice and pleasant.   These things I've observed. 
Times Have Changed
Section 8 housing
2 white men with sticks and bags
Clean up black men's trash.

Section 8 housing
She walks the dog past shiny
Jaguars and Benz's

The Burbs
In city's suburbs
The woman thinks righteously.
I'm not judgmental.

Inner City
City, angry screams
The woman wonders why she's
Being judgmental.

At the burned down house
The arrogant man glares at
The woman he's robbed.

New Poems - Haiku Humor

The assignment was Haiku.  

The Exercise
In a close, warm room
5 women with paper and pens,
Empty their blank minds.

Magazine Ad
Shiny magazine
The giraffe benignly stares.
You looking at me?

The Universe Breathing
Cool, dark outer space
Microns, protons, neutrons
Breathe life into me.

Monday, July 15, 2013


Today I have two new poems.

So Imagine Something New

He said you can do anything.
Put your mind to 
It will happen.
And he was right.

I imagined an art center
in the background, 
of my mind's eye,

It came to be 10 years ago.
I was enthused
And inspired,

I'm still pumping my life blood
into the center.
But I am tired.
It consumes me,
feeling used up.

Imagine This

Imagine something new for us.
Let the present
Become the past
Bill and I
Moving forward.

What if there were no books to keep
No art shows and
No openings,
No press releases,
No email blasts?

What if the properties were sold,
The bills paid off,
A nest egg banked?
What would we do?

Touring, dining, walking, a nap-
A sketch, a play
A book, quiet

Friday, July 12, 2013

Last Day of Summer Art Camp but Time for a Poem

No What If's

Exploring Quantum Mechanics
Waves and particles
Size and movement.

Where particles move so quickly
in and then out
There and not there
At the same time.

In a parallel universe
I'm there, I'm not
I did, didn't
Guilty, guiltless. 

July 10th - Storms & Poems

Here's my almost daily poem. 

Step into the dark, cool hallway.
Close the door on
heat of the day.
The dog greets me.

Time passes, the rooms grow darker.
Crepe myrtles move
back and forth in
the blowing winds.

The dog grows ansy as thunder
booms. She hears it
before I do.
We sit and wait.

The rain's here but quickly over,
The sun is out.
Dark clouds move south,
Hot summer day.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

1 Minute Poem #1

Yesterday I joined a group of ladies and we were introduced to writing the 1 Minute Poem.   The poem takes more than a minute to write, but it contains 60 syllables, thus the name.  Cool. 

First we were told to think of images, smells, sounds, thoughts that we had engaged.  The next step was to select one which "jumped" out.  From there we went into James Joyce mode writing whatever came to mind about "our pick".   Finally we were instructed to write a poem using the structure of 3 verses, the first line of each would be 8 syllables, followed by 3 lines of 4 syllables each. 

Here's mine:

Title:  Cold Enough

Maybe I should visit a glacier.
Frozen water,
Icy cold air,
So very large.

Where I can stand close by wearing
My Tibetan
Black, woolen hat
And long red coat.

This may be the place I long for.
Cold enough for 
Me to seek warmth.
(c)  GMK 07/2013

One more thing.   While there we discussed our reactions to each others poems.   At one point, while talking, a word eluded me.  Everyone waited for me to think of the word.   No one tried to help.  No one interrupted.  They just waited, patiently for me.     Amazing.