Sunday, December 8, 2013

On Christmas Trees - Poem

decorated trees
nineteen years till sixty-two
makes forty-three trees
some artificial, most real
bought from hardware stores
tree lots and charity drives
colored lights, white lights
blue and white, variations
different most years
coordinated glass balls
some years red and gold
other years blue and silver
some years all colors
ribbons replacing garland
then came icicles of glass
fuzzy teddy bears
and painted wooden snowmen 
victorian hearts
my boys' handmade ornaments
made from egg cartons 
popsicle sticks and paper
made by little hands
pictures of boys in lockets
in front - side by side.
topped with a star or angel
each year beautiful 
now I decorate alone
I pick out the tree
haul it home and stand it up
I water the tree
come New Years I take it down
decorations stored
they are in their boxes now
up in the attic
should I go and get them down?
for whom? just for me?
who would be disappointed
if there was no tree?
if tree forty-four was not?
a wreath on the door?
candles on the windows' ledge?
a Christmas cactus?
enough to mark the season?

or perhaps a tiny tree
wooden toys and train
to bring in the Christmas joy
sixty-three and one more tree.
(c) Glenda Kotchish

On Brides' Dresses - Poem

On Brides' Dresses

overheard two friends
talking - daughter's wedding dress
THE dress had been found
she had said YES to the dress
it was a done deal
eight hundred dollars - good deal
yes above all things
she should have the dress she wants
one she feels good in
their voices subsided 
as my mind wandered
back to thoughts of my weddings 

girl of nineteen years
full-skirted, long prom dress
shortened to knee-length
to suit the grooms desires for
a simple wedding
while he bought a brand new suit
his sister offered 
use my knee-length wedding dress

then at thirty-six
a new groom - new wedding dress
knee-length, cotton, white
just under fifty dollars
groom in a new suit
you can use my light blue dress
his mother offered

my taste is classic, simple
but someday I wish
a gown - indescribably 
beautiful for me
when I walk into the room
all heads turn my way
a hush - isn't she lovely
she is beautiful

yet I know at thirty-six
I glowed, so lovely
my soul shining, beautiful
and I was happy
fifty dollar dress - just fine. 

Glenda Kotchish

On Ropes - Poems

How did I get in such a tangled mess?
where did my loom lock up
shuttle skip beats
warp miss woof

I took the rope 
I made some knots
I tied it tight
going nowhere

If you see a rope
being dangled before you
run fast
run far
and for god's sake
don't grab a hold.

4.   A Television Advertisement on Ropes
Tied up?
no need to
get smart.
let go that rope. 

(c) Glenda Kotchish

TV and Elsewhere - Poem


when everyone talks
and no one is listening
is it silence - noise?
(c)  GMK 12/2013

5 Words/Phrases at Random - Poems in various forms.

The words - drawn from a hat:  canyon, examination, largely due to, private detective, kind

Private detective called in
listen to me
listen to you
in a kind way 

 2 (A Haiku)
of their hearts reveals
lack of compassion

 3 (A Sedoka)
The canyon widens
between them with each hard word
largely due to their closed minds
private detective's
examination proves
husband and wife are not kind.

 4  (a Septolet)
 Don't Listen to Him
Largely due
to his
stupid suggestions
we acted

and listened 
to the
private detective

who said
she took
the examination at night
in a
kind of
red canyon

 5 (a Tetracytric)
Dick Jane
be kind to
each other when
the private detective jumps the canyon 

(c)GMK 12/2013

What Season - Poem

Gone Viral
not wheat
much smaller
tickling the back of my throat -  a few sneezes
over time blossoms into full fledged cold
making me weak
taking days
(c) Glenda Kotchish

Vacation and Back - Poems

So let me tell you
the air indescribable 
not crisp nor muggy
I can tell you what it's not
the air indescribable 

Windows Open at in Seattle
Curtains move with morning breeze
quiet noice
the cook somewhere below
shares morning fare aromas
onions and hashbrowns
waif through the room

Riding Orca
Seattle light rail
metal origami art
china town stop
Why is this sad place
heavy, suspect, filled with angst?
why must I wade through?
why can't I go somewhere else?
unbeknownst, unaware -
laid myself down and took root.
should I have been more watchful?

Glenda Kotchish

Birthday Wish - A Poem

My birthday cake - make a wish
Wish for perfection?
Is that wise?
Glenda Kotchish

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November in the Blue Ridge

blue ridge 
called me today.
come. let me refresh you.
tress of gold, brisk air, winding roads
yes! please.

autumn afternoon
city behind
mountains ahead
rolling skyline

blue ridge
ethereal beauty
copious gratitude

i drove
until it
got dark

until the
earth spun
away from
the sun

i drove the byways
ignoring the express ways
extending my time
in rolling hills on slow lanes.
my reward - tree tops of gold.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Wings that lift a horse - single misplaced horn
go back to sleep
it's a dream
a night

Broad Daylight in September

On Sunday
calls in
tip to police
cars are searched -men are cuffed - end of problem

Come Monday
Bright sunny day, casual friends - meet and greet.
tiny packets
quick exchange -
(c)GMK 09/2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

On Family

Train Set
We finished building the train.
How long can we play?

He said "I love you GG".
Can this be for real?
He's my boy!

The box held 4 pink balloons.
Can this be for real?
It's a girl?

(c)GMK 9/2013

September 23 Poem

September 23

september two three
let the physicists explain
china make and ship
let me enjoy this good day

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22nd's Poems

September Sunday

Roll over, roll over, again.
It is morning
Almost morning
3 o'clock, yes.

Consequences to getting up -
Later a crash
Needing some sleep
No cat-nap time.

Yet it's so very quiet now.
Time for cocoa 
Time for thinking
Time for a poem.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Quinzaines - Poem

 On Running a Business - 3 Poems

Expect to work long and hard.
Isn't that how you run
a business?

He's the owner, a big shot. 
Does this mean he works
less than us?

I look at him quite perplexed.
Why does he feel so 

Quinzaines are short verse forms consisting of 15 syllables in 3 lines. The first line has 7 syllables and makes a statement. The second line has 5 syllables and begins a question. The third line has 3 syllables and ends the question

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


In the fall of 2001 I was in New Mexico and before catching the plane home back east, I stopped at a flea market outside of Albuquerque and bought a Navaho tapestry for my son as a gift.  The tapestry is a image of a silhouette of a coyote sitting on a rock in the desert with mountains and cacti in the background - a rising moon resting between two snow-capped mountains.

The coyote silhouette is a right profile, ears to the left and an open mouth pointing skyward, howling at the moon.  Looking at in another way, the silhouette is facing forward with two pointed ears sticking up and the mouth closed facing to the left.  In essence, the mouth and ears alternate in position.  Is the coyote looking left, behind him with closed mouth or looking upward with open mouth, howling mournfully at the moon?

Twelve years later the tapestry now hangs in my living room - southwestern not being my son's choice for his apartment decor.  Looking at it this morning, I realized that today is September 11th - a beautiful, clear day like 9/11 - twelve years ago - but hot, not crisp as it was then.  It's 9:00 a.m. - about the same time the planes hit the twin towers and for the first time since 1941 our country was under attack.   Thousands of people lost.

Everything changed that day.

As a country we were shaken.  People in New York - looking for their friends and family with signs and pictures of their loved ones - holding them up for the T.V. cameras in hopes someone had seen the person.  Heroes at the Pentagon saving co-workers.  Heroes on the 3rd plane headed for the White House - thwarting the terrorist by diverting the plane to Pennsylvania.  So, so brave and so, so sad.

Remembering.  I feel a lot like the coyote - looking back - looking up.

Monday, September 2, 2013


THE Art Teacher
A Fast Mart now stands
With black stains - spent chewing gum
On my revered teacher's lawn.

In my mind - he's there
Brick house, columns, gracious porch
Mr. Davis - hat and cane.

Glenda Mace Kotchish
September, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

September 1st Poem

 September Song
We've suffered, survived
Summer's waves of brittle heat
Laden with humidity.
September - longed for
You have arrived, quietly
With the dawn of this good day.

Poem - Dreamtime

End of the World

Eyes of mine open
Morning after dream
Tricksters from hell at play.

Non-believer still?
Who wove this dream of horror?
Stories from childhood - or real?

Sedoka Poems in August

The Sedoka style poem is 3 lines with 5,7,7 syllables followed by another set of 5,7,7 syllables.  The first set is the "image" and the 2nd set is the response or commentary.

The door's paint - peeling
Cedar siding wear and tear
Garden sharing space with weeds

"To Do" list is born
And goes forth to mutiply
In digital form

6 a.m.
Light from the window
Seeps into my bedroom door
The dog's collar - clear jingle

Sounds of morning
Pleasantly awakens me
A brand new day to spin.

Who Knew?
The job I hated
It occurred to me, just now -
Those people hated me, too!

At sixty two years
There's a chance I might be 
Becoming wise, perhaps.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Earth and More

Earth and More
None the less
Being, thinking 
Many things named and unnamed - a grand chaos

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Tetractys poetry goes like this: 5 lines with increasing number of syllables - 1,2,3,4, 10 or reversed 10,4,3,2,1

Here's some samples from last night's session:

Tech's Reach
Who knew?
She would embrace
Composing emails and blogs - keeping pace.

City - Country
First harvest time
In the city, things CAN grow mighty fine!

Sweet William
My Dear
Has come home
Tall, tan with smiles
Bringing his still waters across the miles

The Bright Side
Plenty of time for leisure, repose
I'm feeling good!
I'm not tired!
Pink slip

The Block
Fast, slow, stop, run
Sniff, pee, bark, poop - digging in - having fun!

Just Dessert
of day
on Tuesdays
we spend some time
learning new ways to write poems that don't rhyme. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

De Facto

Are hard to grasp
They slip quickly by, here
Gone - as complete in themselves as a 

Quantum Physics
Waves, here and there
Open to possibilities

Some August Poems

Small vegetables
Getting tall, bearing fruit
a good meal in a week or so

hot and humic
draining my energy
making movement tiresome and slow

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Cinquain Poems - Memory Lane

A Cinquain poem is composed of 22 syllables - 5 lines - each line has a function
1st A noun
2nd Description of the 1st line
3rd Action
4th Feeling or effect
5th Synonym for 1st line

 I composed this poem after a chance electronic "chat" with a friend of my mother's - the wife of my first boyfriend who I hadn't seen since her wedding  in my mother's extremely fundamentalist church, 44 years ago.  The whole church was invited to the wedding, as was the custom, so I went although I no longer attended the church nor did I know the bride beyond sight and her name.   Her "chat" took me back to that place and time in my life.  

focused on God
scorn  and abandon us
making us fearful and unloved

"A really rough time back then" 

My art
paints, paper, clay, words
turning a blank page bright
sustaining, freeing, opening

How I got through it.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

True Colors are Showing

if you are ostracizing
your old friend of twenty years
perhaps you should stop
sending him your jersey bull
letters of contradiction

August 6, 2013

Tanka Poem - August 5th

sitting in the shade
in the cool part of the pool
conversation flows
a breeze blows a bird flies by
she is taking a vacation

Sunday, August 4, 2013


people come visit
we met twenty years ago 
and i don't know them
but i need something to do
maybe i'll get to know them

don't immerse yourself
let them glow in their own light
from them find some enjoyment
what is their enlightenment
stand back and listen 

August 2013

Tanka Poems - Inside

my little black book
i fill with secretive thoughts
no one is aware
friends faults and shortcomings
listed unkindly mine too

almost every day
i  struggle with my black heart
in a poets way
faults my eyes see my pen scribes
my speech and lips keep silent

August 2013

Tanka Poem - Summer

summer one more month
tomatoes in abundance 
should i make salsa
drink iced tea and iced coffee
awaiting beloved autumn

glenda august/2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Trying to Understand

Young man, baggy shorts, shirt, hat
Hair long dread locks
We sign in our
cars for service.

we sit across from each other
in the lobby
scanning our smart phones
glance at TV

I'm curious about him
try to converse
I get silence
so why bother


it was time for me
to get a dog companion
love for me for care I give
yes quid por quo finally


New Poems - Tanka Style

Last night we ladies explored the Japanese style "Tanka" of poem.   Longer than a Haiku.   No punctuation.  Lyrical!
the wheel is silent
I place the moist clay on the bat
I wet my hands
I cup the clay
the 3 of us go round and round.
the vessel sits on it's tile
all night long drying shrinking
it is bone dry now
can-will it withstand the fire

Monday, July 22, 2013

Beginning the Day with Bill

Beginning the Day with Bill
Morning, start working.
She spies photo on her desk.
His smile makes her smile.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The President's Perspective

I was glad to hear the President's message on the George Zimmerman trial results with respect to the perspective of being a person of color.

A White Woman's Walk
On the street alone
Clutching her keys, she hurries.
A black man walks by.

A Black Man's Walk
On the street ahead, 
A white woman hurries.
Please stop judging me.

Two Women Walking
On the street at night,
The two women pass each other.
Black, White, greetings - smiles.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Rebekah Jean No More

Rebekah Jean No More

Trying to find herself
And wanting a brand new name
How Pocahontas!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Haiku - City Living

So you'll know, I feel an obligation to share what I see while living in the city.  Not everything is flowery, nice and pleasant.   These things I've observed. 
Times Have Changed
Section 8 housing
2 white men with sticks and bags
Clean up black men's trash.

Section 8 housing
She walks the dog past shiny
Jaguars and Benz's

The Burbs
In city's suburbs
The woman thinks righteously.
I'm not judgmental.

Inner City
City, angry screams
The woman wonders why she's
Being judgmental.

At the burned down house
The arrogant man glares at
The woman he's robbed.

New Poems - Haiku Humor

The assignment was Haiku.  

The Exercise
In a close, warm room
5 women with paper and pens,
Empty their blank minds.

Magazine Ad
Shiny magazine
The giraffe benignly stares.
You looking at me?

The Universe Breathing
Cool, dark outer space
Microns, protons, neutrons
Breathe life into me.

Monday, July 15, 2013


Today I have two new poems.

So Imagine Something New

He said you can do anything.
Put your mind to 
It will happen.
And he was right.

I imagined an art center
in the background, 
of my mind's eye,

It came to be 10 years ago.
I was enthused
And inspired,

I'm still pumping my life blood
into the center.
But I am tired.
It consumes me,
feeling used up.

Imagine This

Imagine something new for us.
Let the present
Become the past
Bill and I
Moving forward.

What if there were no books to keep
No art shows and
No openings,
No press releases,
No email blasts?

What if the properties were sold,
The bills paid off,
A nest egg banked?
What would we do?

Touring, dining, walking, a nap-
A sketch, a play
A book, quiet

Friday, July 12, 2013

Last Day of Summer Art Camp but Time for a Poem

No What If's

Exploring Quantum Mechanics
Waves and particles
Size and movement.

Where particles move so quickly
in and then out
There and not there
At the same time.

In a parallel universe
I'm there, I'm not
I did, didn't
Guilty, guiltless. 

July 10th - Storms & Poems

Here's my almost daily poem. 

Step into the dark, cool hallway.
Close the door on
heat of the day.
The dog greets me.

Time passes, the rooms grow darker.
Crepe myrtles move
back and forth in
the blowing winds.

The dog grows ansy as thunder
booms. She hears it
before I do.
We sit and wait.

The rain's here but quickly over,
The sun is out.
Dark clouds move south,
Hot summer day.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

1 Minute Poem #1

Yesterday I joined a group of ladies and we were introduced to writing the 1 Minute Poem.   The poem takes more than a minute to write, but it contains 60 syllables, thus the name.  Cool. 

First we were told to think of images, smells, sounds, thoughts that we had engaged.  The next step was to select one which "jumped" out.  From there we went into James Joyce mode writing whatever came to mind about "our pick".   Finally we were instructed to write a poem using the structure of 3 verses, the first line of each would be 8 syllables, followed by 3 lines of 4 syllables each. 

Here's mine:

Title:  Cold Enough

Maybe I should visit a glacier.
Frozen water,
Icy cold air,
So very large.

Where I can stand close by wearing
My Tibetan
Black, woolen hat
And long red coat.

This may be the place I long for.
Cold enough for 
Me to seek warmth.
(c)  GMK 07/2013

One more thing.   While there we discussed our reactions to each others poems.   At one point, while talking, a word eluded me.  Everyone waited for me to think of the word.   No one tried to help.  No one interrupted.  They just waited, patiently for me.     Amazing.