This is an amazing film directed by Pamela Tanner Boll, film screened at the Visual Arts Center in Richmond, Va yesterday. It's about women artists and their pursuit of their art and the balancing act of being a woman, caring for the family, supporting the family/themselves and actually making/doing art. Here's a link that better describes the film with clips:
I sat in a room with about 50 women and a handful of men and watched the film. We laughed often and smiled a great deal because these women artists have a wonderful sense of humor exhibited in their art. We silently rejoiced at triumphs and may of us reached for a tissue to wipe aways tears as we were moved by the joys and sadness that comes with being artist, being woman and just being.
As for me, my life is amazing. I made a living and raised my family outside the realm of art and then a miracle happened. I am now doing what I was born to do, born to be. I'm the co-owner of Art Works art center where art, artists and art lovers surround me. I make art in my studio and think of artful things - all day long!
I have a great husband who wants me to be me! Now that's something - to have an endorsement made in your own image and not a preconceived notion of what "you should be". And my sons, well they know I'm kooky (as the oldest announces to his baby whenever I'm there) but I'm pretty sure that they like me ok and love me too.
How did I get in this good place? I'm SO thankful to the art goddess and All That Is! YES!
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